Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Battle Within

The Human mind is very complex. R keeps telling me that. Not that she is wrong but how many times while arguing with someone do we realize that it is the main reason why the chaos is creeping up in the first place. I say humans are emotional people and half the times keep tugging at what side to take: it’s the eternal inner conflict I guess. Whose side to take when the opposite poles of logic and emotion play around with you, tossing your poor self like a TT ball, striking with a smash any minute. The tormenting Ping-ponging causes rifts between people as while one is busy justifying that heart thinks right, the other is hell bent on logic. The great ironical joke is when in an argument even I find myself changing sides. Either of the states is not absolute. Music is created when both the parties are in the same state which could be either emotional or practical. The cacophonic situation is obviously when they are on opposite states and to top the screeching noise, they may change gears, shift form on to other and the other one compensates by swinging in the contradictory one. The big question is: How does one know what to do to prevent the ear drums form getting damaged.

I like to believe that I am a practical person but I also advocate emotions as the true key to bliss. I am contradicting myself. I used to tell someone I love that when you listen to your heart, you are left with no regrets at least and have the satisfaction of doing what you wanted. I still stand by it though there are times when emotions, if allowed to rule over, can tie you down. Maybe its better to put it as: emotions are good but you should give in only a much to them as which does not come in the way of what your aim has always been. Emotions can make one lose the focus. They deceive you into believing that whatever you do under their influence will be the best for you. It’s not always so. I am floating in the honey jar of one emotion presently and one part of me wants to stay back there while the other one wants to get out and do the other things that make me happy. I’ll let you know which side wins.


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