Saturday, March 11, 2006

The City of creeps

The weather is beatiful in delhi these days. Very unlike this city of extremes. Not just in weather, the city seems to be a hub of extremists. Where it doesnt take more than 30 seconds for people to take to fist fights on the road, the breeze is way too calming right now. Its really pissing off when I come to think of it. I have commuted in public transport in quite a few prominent cities like chennai, bangalore, bombay but the filth in the eys of a bus user in delhi beats that of a rapist even in a masala bollywood movie. It doesnt matter if its broad day light or a crowded place, no place is really safe. Twilight is the warning call i feel.Despite this, thousands of women use the buses, chagdas everday. The metro is reltaively decent owing to the gentry that blends well with tis plush feel. I have always wondred : why is delhi so shitty for a woman to wlak around alone in? One theory I came across was the anger or the frustration content in the common man here. He is either a migrant from Bihar, run away from his own misfitting in the power struggle there or from Punjab , escaped long ago from there due to the increasing terrorism. He just wants to get back at life, at what all happened to his land and the poeple. It is not a rare act by road corssers in Delhi to deliberately block a car's way. Sometimes i feel they are out there just to trouble those who've made it better than them in life. The problem they have in repecting women is mammoth. Its as of the human in them has died long ago and the animal is out on the streets. The number of rape cases is the most in Delhi among the metros, the crime rate is also high. I don't know what should be done of these people other than using pepper sprays and stun guns on them.
Just felt like writing about it. Its been a very long time that i have travelled in buses here unescorted.


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